World Without Waste

World Without Waste has signaled a renewed focus on our entire packaging lifecycle—from how bottles and cans are designed and produced to how they’re collected, recycled and repurposed. We developed three fundamental pillars to guide our World Without Waste initiative: design, collect and partner.

Read the latest updates on our sustainability progress and goals in the 2022 Business and Sustainability Report.



Many packaging formats have a role to play in delivering our beverages, including glass, PET plastic, aluminum, refillable bottles and even virtually package-less solutions. We are working to make all our packaging more sustainable, including maximizing our use of renewable and recycled content while minimizing our use of virgin material.


Our global goals in this pillar are to:


  • Make 100% of our packaging recyclable by 2025
  • Use at least 50% recycled material in packaging by 2030
  • Use 3 million metric tons less virgin PET derived from fossil-based sources by 2025
  • 25% of our beverages sold by volume in refillable/returnable glass or plastic bottles or in fountain dispensers with reusable packaging by 2030



We want to make our beverage packaging part of a circular economy. We fundamentally believe our packaging materials have value, and we need to capture that value and prevent it from becoming waste. Our goal is to collect and recycle a bottle or can for each one we sell by 2030.  That will allow us to get more value out of the packaging materials as we recycle and reuse them in future bottles and cans. We not only get more value from them when we recycle, we lessen their environmental impacts and prevent them from becoming waste.



The plastic waste crisis cannot be solved by a single entity. An all-hands-on-deck approach, led by players across the plastic packaging value chain who are best positioned to achieve results, is needed to drive solutions at scale.